Hot Mama: How to Kick Up Your Wardrobe

It’s that time of year again. Time to throw on a halfway decent-looking shirt over pajama pants and flip flops to run the kids through the carpool line, right? No one will see you from the chest up, so why should it matter? Well, maybe it doesn’t. But when you wake up in the morning, you’ll feel more pulled-together and productive if you go ahead and put on some comfortable but polished duds. If getting out of your jammies means simply slipping into sweats, then there are a few ways to kick up your wardrobe. And on those rare occasions when you get out of the house for girls’ night, date night or a fancy party, do you have current, stylish pieces to wear? If not, then it’s time for a wardrobe overhaul. Start by tossing those sweats that are stained, stretched or just look unkempt. If they don’t feel great on you and you don’t feel confident and pretty in them, then consider getting rid of them. If you just can’t break out of the sweats habit, then try some good-fitting yoga pants.
The flared design complements any body type, and different colors and styles abound. Jeans are a great wardrobe staple. You can dress them up or down, depending on the occasion, and they’re easy to accessorize. On top, you can choose t-shirts – different sleeve lengths and embellishments add variety. And when you find a great-fitting shirt, then pick it up in a few colors. Try a comfy button-down shirt or a crisp white one to add style. Add a blazer in a fall color, and you’ve got your duds for a PTA meeting! For fancy nights out, try on some different styles of the classic little black dress. Choose the one you like best and add a colorful, warm wrap. Don’t forget some killer heels and accessories. Jewelry can be the easiest way to glam up an outfit quickly. Accessories are a great touch that shows extra effort. Bracelets in particular are durable, fun and will stand up to your kids playing with them. Instead of your usual white tennis shoes, slip on a pair of stylish flats to top off a polished look.