How Dieting Affects Your Skin

by Eva Perry
Did you know that when you are dieting, there are positive and negative effects to your skin? Good nutrition is a key factor in maintaining that healthy glow and elasticity that many people strive to obtain.
Healthier food choices are usually made when dieting. This means adding foods rich in vitamins and minerals that provide your body and skin with the nutrients they need to thrive, and eliminating unnecessary fat calories your body doesn’t need. Limiting your consumption of processed and refined sugars, fried foods, and high caloric intake, should be taken into consideration when dieting.
Here is a list of some foods that benefit your skin, enhancing the overall look and feel.
Foods that are rich in Vitamin A are important for maintaining good skin health. Food sources rich in Vitamin A include spinach, liver, egg yolks, and carrots. Low-fat milk products, such as yogurt, are another rich source for Vitamin A.
Whole wheat, whole brown rice, oatmeal, bran, fish, eggs, and dairy products, are good food sources for Vitamin B. Vitamin B maintains healthy skin tone and helps reduce stress, which may contribute to troublesome skin conditions, such as eczema.
Vitamin C plays an important part in helping with any skin damage that may occur, predominantly from the sun. Vitamin C also acts in promoting the healing of skin wounds. Citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, and strawberries are rich in Vitamin C, along with green, leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, and cabbage.
Beware of vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can occur with food restrictions when you are dieting. These deficiencies can directly affect the health of your skin and here are the reasons why.
A lack of sufficient amounts of Vitamin A that is necessary for healthy skin can result in an outbreak of pimples on the skin and excessive dryness.
A deficiency of Vitamin B in your diet can result in inflammation, itchiness, and irritations of the skin.
Vitamin C deficiency when dieting can result in the skin’s condition to develop a rough and scaly surface.
Diet, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle, all play an important role in your body’s overall skin health, to develop and maintain that smooth feel and look that everyone desires. An important fact to remember is that your skin contains 70 percent water, so it is vital to keep yourself well hydrated when dieting, to maintain healthy skin. Water is the best choice, but fruit juices, energy, and sports drink also replenish water loss from the skin. Maintaining healthy skin care habits goes right along with dieting. Daily cleansing in the morning and at night, followed by a moisturizer for the skin, can keep your skin renewed and glowing.
Finally, careful planning to include healthy, eating habits that provide adequate vitamins and minerals when dieting will ensure a healthy skin and body.