How to Create a Perfect Online Dating Profile

If you’ve decided to pursue a relationship by signing up on one of the many online dating sites, then you might wonder how best to maximize your results, attracting the best matches – and weeding out the duds. First of all, choose the right site to use. Some sites, like eHarmony, are geared toward those who want to pursue long-term relationships, while others…aren’t. Consider the commitment you’re potentially willing to make before signing up. With that in mind, the first thing you likely will be asked is to come up with a user name or “handle.” This is the name by which potential dates will identify you. It’s not a good idea to use your real name – keep it private and anonymous until you find a match that you want to date. Your tagline is next – make it original and fun. Take a look at your “competition” on the dating site and critique their profiles. Note the eye-catching, engaging aspects of other people in your demographic (same age, sex, religion, etc.).
Obviously, you don’t want to copy their information, but making it your own can help fill in your profile information. Write your profile out or type it before you post it. Make a list of the information you want to include, then whittle it down to only the most interesting details for your profile. Flesh out your “essay” with these details and keep it engaging and succinct. If you’re on a site that includes a template in which you answer the same questions as other people for your profile, then copy and paste the questions into a Word document. Answer them as well as you can, then leave them for a few hours or a day. Come back and see if you’ve thought of anything new or omit anything you don’t like. When it comes to your picture, again, be honest. Take a clear shot where your face can be seen – and make sure the picture is recent. Keep things simple, real and honest, and you’re sure to get that date!