How To Re-Grow Hair

You had a thick glorious head of hair, and then you started to notice it was getting a little thin in spots. Then a little thinner and thinner and then where did it all go? If you are faced with this dilemma, let us explore the options.
Hair loss can be an issue faced by men, women and even children. Hair loss can have a detrimental effect on one’s self-esteem. You can approach the issue with depression or with zeal to find a solution that you can be happy with. Let us examine some of the options available today.
First, let us put the effect of losing one’s hair in perspective. In a survey of 2,338 men by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery, more than 1,300 said they would be willing to give up a personal possession in exchange for more hair. Of that group, 26% said they would be willing to give up a stereo system, 21% a cell phone, 17% a laptop and 13% a plasma TV. This definitely shows how men feel about their hair loss.
In the US alone, it is estimated that hair restoration procedures account for $800+ million in sales, mostly to men. You have a couple of choices: shave your head (this takes a lot of guts) or find a treatment to re-grow or replace your hair.
Society has proven that someone with a shaved head is looked at as less trustworthy or appealing to the eye. The TV commercials or magazines do not show the hot girl with the bald headed man. Nope, it is the GQ looking guy with the nice thick well-trimmed haircut. The reason being, this type of look sells. Women just prefer it.
So what are the options if you want to find a treatment to get your hair to re-grow or be replaced?
– Your physical health. First, get yourself checked out by a physician to make sure there are no underlying health reasons for the hair loss. Your hair is a direct reflection of your physical health. If your body is deficient in a mineral or vitamin, it will show up in your hair growth.
– How about medication? A dermatologist can help you find out if medications, such as minoxidil, (Rogaine) or prescription-only Propecia, are smart choices. These are the only two drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating hair loss, both have been shown as effective in preventing hair loss for as long as they are used and can be taken simultaneously for potentially better results. They can help with thinning hair and to promote re-growth of hair. Rogaine can cost about $30 – $40 per month or around $400 -$500 per year.
– Earlier this year, the FDA gave approval to a handheld home medical device called the HairMax LaserComb, which uses a laser’s energy to promote hair re-growth. Cost runs $395 to $545. Since some men may not want to take a pill every day for the rest of their lives or regularly use a special comb, many turn to hair transplantation or natural procedures.
– Follicular unit grafting is considered the one of the most expensive types of hair transplantation techniques. A decade ago, doctors took large grafts of hair – known as plugs – from the back of a patient’s head and transplanted them to the crown, follicular unit grafting takes hairs in groups of one to four. Procedures can take several hours and cost upwards of $10,000.
– There are all natural techniques designed to re-grow hair using ordinary grocery store items also. One of the techniques involves rubbing olive oil all over your head before going to bed. Keep it wrapped in a towel all night while you sleep then shampoo it out in the morning. You do this for a total of 8-days.
This procedure removes excess sebum that builds and hardens on your scalp choking off your hair roots and making growing hair extremely difficult. It will not only dissolve and remove the layers of built up sebum, but it will also kill bacteria that keep hair from growing.
There are more all-natural techniques that help to re-grow hair using ordinary grocery store items.
About the Author This is just one of the tips to stop hair loss and help to re-grow your hair. You can learn how to use less than $15 of grocery store items to stop hair loss and re-grow hair at Hair Re-growth. Information found at