How to Spot a Player

You finally met the guy of your dream: he’s handsome, smooth, assertive and very likeable. He always says the right things and has all the qualities you are looking for in a man. But you may have noticed him behaving differently lately.

If you think something is wrong, you may be right. Your guy may be a player. A player is a guy who is only interested in you for one thing: sex. Then, when something better comes along (such as a prettier woman), he’s done with you. Here are some ways to identify a player.

  • He displays a particular body language. He’ll wear a smirk instead of a smile. He’ll strut with a swagger and roll his shoulders forward. These characteristics mean he’s on the prowl for a new woman to fall prey to his charms.
  • If he sees you for the first time and is interested in you, he’ll immediately get too close and invade your personal space. Or if he sees you catching his eye from afar, he’ll just stare at you for a while instead of glancing at you and then looking away, like most single men do when they catch the eye of a pretty lady. If his behavior seems a little strange or pushy, then he’s most likely trying to play you.
  • He always seems to focus on anything else but you. If he doesn’t seem to be paying to attention, it’s because something (or someone) else caught his eye. His wandering eyes are surveying the area in search of pretty ladies.
  • He has all the player paraphernalia. You like his flashy car, designer underwear and expensive watch, do you? That’s why he bought it. He knows this stuff will attract the ladies and hopefully increase his chances of having sex.
  • He displays feminine characteristics – wears lots of jewelry, has his nails perfectly manicured, focuses a lot on his hair or is always primping in a mirror. This type of guy obviously cares about himself too much – so much that he won’t have time to love you sincerely.
  • He calls or texts you in the late hours – typically after 11 p.m. You may think it’s sweet, but really – why not talk to you during normal daytime hours? If you only hear from him at night, it’s because he’s only looking for one thing: sex. He’s looking for a booty call, and you can bet that you’re not the only girl he’s calling or texting.
  • He has more female friends than male friends. If every time you go somewhere, all the ladies know him by name, then that is a huge red flag. That means he’s been around and has secured the title of player. Run away from this dude!
  • If he does have male friends, he will act totally different. He will pretend he doesn’t know who you are or act like the biggest jerk. You gave him what he wanted (or maybe you didn’t – good for you!), and now he doesn’t care about you or pretends you don’t exist. Whatever. You don’t need this loser anyway.
  • He acts like the nicest person in the world. He’s very smooth and always knows the right things to say. He’ll continue the act until you give him what he wants (sex), and then you’ll see his true self. Don’t waste your time. If he sounds too good to be true, he most likely is. Move on before he breaks your heart.
  • He only talks to you about physical things and intimacy (sex, kissing, etc.). If a booty call is all he’s thinking about, then it’s time to move on. He doesn’t care about your life. He doesn’t want a serious relationship with you. He’s just using you for your body.
  • He doesn’t want to hang out with you, or if he does, he cancels at the last minute. He only wants to be with you if you’re going to be intimate with him. If he cancels at the last minute, he’s likely found someone else to sleep with. Let her have him!
  • He no longer contacts you. If you slept with him, the relationship is likely over because he got what he wanted. If he does call you, it’s for sexual purposes only. Or he may appear and disappear for days or weeks at a time. If you don’t ever hear from him again, it’s because he’s already moved on to his next “victim.”
  • He always has his phone with him. This is because he can’t leave it anywhere for fear that you might get a hold of it and find phone numbers or messages from the other girls he’s been with. If he seems to be too overprotective of his phone, or he is always texting or calling others instead of spending time with you, then you know he’s got other women on the mind.
  • He makes slip-ups regarding information. If he seems to be forgetful – doesn’t know what you do for a living (after you’ve already told him 10 times), can’t seem to remember your favorite food, or worse yet, forgets your name, then you have a player on your hands. He also may keep telling you the same things over and over again. That’s because he can’t keep his women straight. Run straight for the door and away from this fool!
  • He has his place where he takes all the ladies. It might be a dark corner of a bar or a nice romantic restaurant. You may think it’s just him being romantic, but it’s just a ruse to get you in the mood for sex. If he takes you somewhere and everyone there knows him by name, it could be because he’s a regular and has taken dozens of women there.

If your guy exhibits any of these traits, run as far away from him as you can. Being involved with a player will only cause unnecessary stress, heartache and sleepless nights. You’re too good for him. You need a man who will respect you, love you for who you are and stay committed to you. You won’t get that from a player.