Important Feng Shui Tips for Better Sleep

Sleep is very important for the overall health of a person; so if you have difficulty sleeping, it is always better to follow these feng shui tips for better sleep and health. A very important feng shui tip is to avoid sleeping with the head towards the door. This is because according to feng shui, the best place to position the bed and to sleep is a position where you can see the door, without actually being across from it. This is why you should also avoid sleeping with your feet right in front of the entrance.
Feng shui tips also state that it is not healthy to sleep under a window as this has a bad impact on your chi. It may make you lose some positive energy by dispersing it. In addition to this, by sleeping under a window, any bad chi that enters the room directly affects you. If you have no alternative than sleeping under a window, it is better to hang a curtain on the window to prevent bad chi from entering the room.
Feng shui tips are indeed effective in inducing effective sleep. Besides the feng shui tips mentioned above, it is also better to ensure that there are no pictures of water in your bedroom. This is because according to feng shui, pictures of water in the bedroom not only causes insomnia, but is also taught to bring bad luck to the people sleeping in the room. So if you find that there is a picture of water in the bedroom, either remove it or at least, ensure that it is as far from the bed as possible. Another feng shui tip to remember for effective sleep is to ensure that there are no poisoning arrows pointing towards your bed.
You can find out if there are any poisoning arrows in your bedroom by looking for edgy elements or corners pointing to the place you sleep. And if you find some elements like this, and find that it is difficult to get rid of it, try to work at neutralizing its bad effect. This can be done by either covering the edge or by placing a plant in front of it.
Simple and easy to follow feng shui tips that enhance your living life for the better! Want to know more about Feng Shui Tips for Better Sleep? Please feel free to visit Feng Shui Tips
Article Source: – 2 Most Important Feng Shui Tips for Better Sleep