Improve Your Performance in Bed

Nobody wants to think they’re bad in bed, but sadly, you might be ruining your game with certain bedtime habits. Take a look at your surroundings, your performance and your routines to see if you might be turning him off. First, does your boudoir look more like an office than a love nest? Nothing can kill the mood faster than mountains of paperwork, buzzing blackberries and the harsh glow of a laptop. Try to keep your corporate life separate from your sex life. Next, take a look at your sex life as a whole. Have you both fallen into a routine? Things get a lot less exciting when everyone knows what to expect and when to expect it. Obviously, there’s no need to get crazy and try things no one is comfortable with, but simply switching the usual day, location and position can work wonders. And with our busy lives, most everyone is tired and ready to go to sleep at a certain hour each night.
But if you’re using the exhaustion excuse night after night, it’s a major turnoff and can have your man questioning whether or not you’re still into him. If you really can’t muster the energy, then titillate him with what you’d like him to do to you — tomorrow — while he pleasures himself. Maybe it’ll encourage you to get in on the action as well. And if you just don’t feel like it and go through with it anyway, it’s not going to win you any points. Acting like sex is a favor is a surefire way to turn him off, as is letting him instigate the act every single time. Try sending him a sexy — and blunt — text during the day to let him know what you want to do when he gets home. It’ll go a long way in spicing things up!