Vacations: A Holiday from Routine

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Taking a vacation with little ones can seem like anything but when kids are pulled out of a familiar environment and familiar rituals. But with a little planning and flexibility, you and your family can have a good time and keep everyone happy and well-rested. The first thing to consider when contemplating a getaway is if your family is ready. Consider your child's temperament, age and your own state of mind. A child who only sleeps under perfect, static circumstances and absolutely doesn't do well with changes to his routine may make a vacation more trouble than it's worth. Be patient - he'll grow out of it. First, think about accommodations. Is your family small enough to fit in one hotel room? Consider all your "stuff" - where will your children sleep? Does there need to be room for a portable crib? What about places to store and prepare bottles, formula and other food items? If your child eats baby food that you make yourself, does there need to be a kitchen area? It may be easier to rent a house, efficiency room with kitchen, or a suite with separate bedrooms. If your not bringing your own crib, then contact the hotel before arriving to reserve one.