Rainy-Day Fitness Fun

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Cooped-up kids who can't go outside on a stormy day can make for a miserable time. But they don't have to. Help them burn that pent-up energy in productive ways, instead of lying around watching TV or playing video games. Rainy days are a perfect time to focus on fitness; most kids don't get enough exercise as it is. Use your time inside to teach them that getting up and moving around can actually give them more energy than vegging on the sofa. Active video games, like the Wii Fit, are great ways to engage your child's mind and body. Or pop in an exercise DVD to get them moving - big fitness names like Denise Austin and Billy Blanks make exercise routines tailored to kids. Create a scavenger hunt around the house, and make it a fun competition, complete with prizes. Got some chores that have been on your to-do list for awhile? Offer to pay the kids for doing them, and you can cross them off!