13 Tips for Coping with Holiday Hangovers

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New year, same old dilemma -- how do you stave off those horrid hangovers after the biggest party night of the year? While the only tried-and-true way to ward off is abstinence of alcoholic beverages, there are some steps you can take that may lessen the blow.

Of course, there's only one way to find out if they really work. In many cases, prevention is key. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of hangovers so fuel up on plenty of fluids, namely water. Eat a light meal before you drink, preferably one with dairy and foods that are high in fat and protein. You may even want to eat while you're drinking. Some simple rules of thumb include sticking to one type of alcohol. Try not to mix beer, liquor and wine. Alternate between alcohol beverages and water. This is another way to slow down the amount of alcohol you consume. You may want to bypass fruity drinks, which go down easy. With the daiquiris, margaritas and other sweet treats it's often difficult to realize how much alcohol you're really consuming.