Is He a “Nice Guy”?

Don’t get us wrong – guys who are nice are fantastic. But there has been a recent rash of self-described “nice guys.” Don’t be fooled – these are guys with an agenda. They’re the ones who say women are just attracted to jerks, and the odds are stacked against them, because goshdarnit, they’re nice! In other words, he doth protest too much. Nice Guys are the ones who give you those flowery, insincere and unsolicited compliments as a way to break the ice. They’re the ones who approach you without introducing themselves and say things like, “Smile!” – which should make you feel like doing anything but. You’ll know you’re involved with a Nice Guy because he bends over backward to succumb to your every whim and seems to mold himself into your perfect mate. He seems to jump through all kinds of hoops to win your affection, instead of simply being himself. He’s trying to be the person you want him to be instead of being true to himself and allowing your chemistry to work its magic.
The Nice Guy will suffer through watching Gossip Girl reruns as a means to an end. And the endgame for him is to get into your pants – or at least call the shots in the relationship. When he fails, he becomes embittered and blames you – because how could it be his fault? He’s a Nice Guy. He has a sense of entitlement that is violated when you rebuff his advances because he has seemingly done everything to win your affection. A guy who is nice doesn’t bend over backward to supply you with unasked-for dinners, favors and other goodies that he thinks may ensure your love. There is more back-and-forth with a guy who is genuinely nice, and that’s a good thing. He’s the one you feel you want to win over, not have him go to extraordinary lengths to make you feel like a princess.