Is your House Aligned with Feng Shui?

by R.L. Hanlon
Feng shui translates literally to “wind” and “water” and is an ancient Chinese practice that dates back more than 3,000 years. Feng shui is about balancing the natural energies and elements of the earth and incorporating them into our lives to attract auspicious energies.
The earth and all it encompasses is alive and is filled with chi, or energy. Our homes, including the inanimate objects and the living may be manipulating in accordance with the earth energy to better our luck, love, wealth and health.
If you feel you may be lacking in any of these areas within your life, then incorporating some feng shui principles may help you to reach your goals.
How Can Feng Shui Help You?
What part of your life would you like to change? Would you like to improve your current working arrangements? Would you like more recognition in your life and career?
Would you like to attract more love into your life? Would you like more support from friends and family?
Feng shui has the ability to answer all these questions and more. Just write down which areas of your life you’d like to attract more positive energy to encourage these areas to be fulfilled.
Simple Feng Shui Principles You Can Use Immediately
Feng shui uses a few tools to attract positive chi into areas of your life that may be needing attention. Many of these things are intuitive, but the most important is the bagua map. Using the bagua will reveal all the invisible energy within your home and allow you to manipulate it from greater health, wealth and happiness.
To use the bagua map, all you need to do is draw a model of your home’s floor plan on a piece of paper and transcribe each area of the map over it.
Stand inside your front door, facing inside. Your front door should align with one of the three areas of career, helpful people or the knowledge area:
- Career North
- Helpful people North West
- Knowledge North East
- Children West
- Health- Centre
- Ancestors and Family- East
- Wealth- South East
- Fame- South
- Relationships and love- South West
Feng Shui Your Life Immediately For Positive Results
Use your bagua map, your intuition and the following tips to assess how aligned your home is to feng shui principles.
Open the door.
Your front door is considered the mouth of your home and is the area where chi enters and nourishes the home and your life. Make sure this area is free of clutter, clean of cobwebs and is attractive so that positive energy is attracted to it.
Clear your clutter.
This is a very important concept when using feng shui — clutter creates stagnant energy. Energy needs to move and flow freely, and when there are obstacles in the way, then it will be evident in this section of your life.
How does this room make you feel?
When you enter a particular room, how does it make you feel? How does it smell? Is it too bright or too dark? Is everything in the room working correctly? A room that you do not feel comfortable in or one that affects you on a subconscious level may affect the feng shui in your life.
Keep everything smooth and rounded.
Look for sharp arrows that may be causing an area of your life to attract negative energy. Sharp corners of tables, pictures, objects within the home can cause harmful energy.
By using the above principles, you can use feng shui to improve many aspects of your life immediately.