Is Your Man Oversensitive?

It’s typically the woman in a heterosexual relationship who is the sensitive partner – the one who takes pains to consider her partner in all aspects, remembering all the birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions. Being oversensitive can entail less attractive personality traits, like being clingy, indecisive, emotional and jealous. However, it’s possible for a man to be oversensitive – and despite women complaining about men who are jerks, it’s not the walk in the park it seems like it would be. If you think your man might be too sensitive, then take a look at his previous relationships. If ugly breakups and messy relationships with exes are the rule instead of the exception, then drama seems to be an inevitable part of a relationship with him. It’s up to you if you want to break that pattern, but sometimes you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. It can be worth it – sensitive men are very devoted to their partners and can find happiness with the right person.
But if you find that your man doesn’t do much without you socially or has problems with you spending time away from him, then he may just be too clingy to salvage. Likewise, unfounded suspicions about men in your life – coworkers and other friends, for example – can drag down the relationship and portray your man as a control freak with very little confidence. You can help by doing a few things, too. A sensitive man might be more reserved and need you to be the extrovert in the relationship to bring him out of his shell. Bringing joy and fun into the relationship is really a great thing, and if you can, then you should. Avoid being disinterested or preoccupied when talking to him – he’ll take it personally. Likewise, approach conflict or potential arguments carefully and avoid them if possible. It’s up to you to decide if the tradeoffs of dating a sensitive man are worth it.