Jenny Craig

Unlike the promise of quick fixes or overnight successes like other fly-by-night plans, Jenny Craig calls for a more objective approach to dieting that upholds three main concepts: a good relationship with food, an active lifestyle and a balanced approach to living. Jenny Craig provides each member with a well-rounded program that’s designed with that person especially in mind. There are three different kinds of membership (trial, gold and platinum), tweaked to suit the needs of a diverse clientele.
Before joining, possible members complete a one-page health profile to ensure that the program can meet their needs. Once the first consultation is finished, the member will meet one on one with a representative on behalf of Jenny Craig to receive a meal plan that is personalized, a customized fitness program, motivational tools and weight-loss manuals for additional guidance.
There are meetings every week with a counselor to monitor a person’s progress. If you wish to consult with a Jenny Craig advisor after hours, there is even a toll-free hotline with operators standing by 24/7. Or a simple visit to the website would work too.
The meal plans are based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which place an emphasis on fruits, whole grains, vegetables, poultry, lean meats, fish, beans, eggs, nuts and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. Calorie levels are between 1,200 to 1,300 a day. Jenny Craig offers a wide variety of food choices with more than 75 pre-packaged meals and snacks to choose from. For the program to work effectively, you must eat the Jenny Craig foods. You can take advantage of the planned menus or design your own menus – the choice is simply your own.
Once you have reached your weight loss goal, the counselors will help you make the transition to prepare your own healthy meals. Maintenance is an important part of the program, as the folks at Jenny Craig want to make sure that you keep off the weight. If you prefer not to attend weekly meetings at the center, Jenny Direct is also a convenient option where meals are brought to your home. You have the opportunity to participate in one-on-one counseling sessions via telephone.