Kama Sutra: What You Should Know

Sex and romance have been around since the dawn of time, so it is no surprise that our ancestors have written a number of guides on the subject. The Kama Sutra — perhaps one of the best known books about love and lovemaking — is an ancient Indian Hindu text that was written sometime between 400 BC and 200 AD. Don’t let its age fool you; the Kama Sutra has plenty of tricks and techniques to spice up your modern-day relationship.
Origins of the Kama Sutra
Scholars believe that the Kama Sutra originated from oral stories that were originally passed down from generation to generation in verse form. Eventually, these stories were compiled by V tsy yana into a single book. The title comes from Kama, meaning sensual desire or pleasure, and Sutra, which is a short book or collection of verses.
The Kama Sutra was first translated from ancient Sanskrit into English by Sir Richard Burton in the mid-1800s. This was the height of the Victorian age, so you can imagine the reaction it must have received in England during this time; in fact, Sir Burton’s wife burned many of the translations following his death.
Today, there are a number of translations available for readers who are interested in learning more about this ancient practice. While you can purchase the complete book, there are several editions that are focused exclusively on the sexual positions from the original text, along with illustrations.
Myths Regarding the Kama Sutra
Perhaps the biggest myth regarding the Kama Sutra is that the work is entirely about sex and sexual positions; however, this is not the case. While sex does make up a portion of the text, many chapters are devoted to finding a wife, improving physical attraction, making money, and the priorities of life. Only 50 of the 1,250 verses from the Kama Sutra actually address sexual intercourse positions.
Another common myth in the Western World is that the Kama Sutra is a manual for tantric sex. While there are a number of sexual practices related to the tradition of Hindu Tantra, the Kama Sutra does not explain any of the sexual rites associated with this practice.
Yet another myth is that you have to be a contortionist to enjoy the positions described in the Kama Sutra. This is certainly not the case. While some positions may be more advanced, there are a number of positions and practices, such as embraces, kissing, and marking with nails or bites, that any couple who wants to add some variety to their lovemaking may use.
Kama Sutra on Sexual Compatibility
The Kama Sutra divides men and women into several different categories, based on the size of their genitals, passion levels and endurance during lovemaking. When men and women have similar sizes and desires, theirs is considered to be an equal union; however, those who do not correspond will result in an unequal union.
When it comes to size, men are classified as hares, bulls or horses. Women, on the other hand, are categorized as deer, mares or elephants. The three equal unions based on size are:
Sexual desires and carnal instincts also play a role in compatibility. A man who does not like being touched and has a low libido would be a poor match for a woman who feels intense passion while making love and enjoys being touched by her partner both during and after sex. In this case, the following categories are considered equal:
Endurance is classified as short-timed, moderate-timed and long-timed. As with the categories above, finding a partner who is your equal is important. All together, there are nine possible unions for partners according to the Kama Sutra.
Foreplay and the Kama Sutra
The goal of the Kama Sutra is to enhance the relationship between partners in order to increase pleasure. Try incorporating some of the Kama Sutra techniques into your foreplay to build up anticipation and drive your partner wild.
The Kama Sutra places a strong emphasis on showing your love for the other person before entering the bedroom. You can do this by having a pleasant conversation, engaging in a hobby together or feeding each other sweets before introducing any erotic touching. In other words, romance should play a key role in your sexual relationship.
Joining your bodies in an embrace is a symbol of the feelings that you have for your partner. Try touching, rubbing and pressing your partner to make a total body connection. You should also embrace the four sexual areas of your partner’s body, which includes the forehead, breasts, thighs and genitals.
Light biting can be a highly erotic foreplay technique. The Kama Sutra states that any part of the body that can be kissed — such as the ear lobes or bottom lip — can be bitten to create tension and improve sexual satisfaction. You can also use your teeth to remove your partner’s clothing.
The use of aphrodisiacs to increase libido, potency and endurance was a well-known practice in ancient India. While some items, such as ram’s testicles and monkey feces, may not sound particularly sexy, you can use common foods like honey, pumpkin seeds and ground black pepper to take your desire to new heights.
Positions of the Kama Sutra
While there are 64 different types of sex acts described in the Kama Sutra — with varying degrees of difficulty — you can begin slowly incorporating the most common positions into your lovemaking.
Some positions are easily accessible to the novice. For example, the Yawning Position merely requires the woman to lie on her back and place her legs on the man’s shoulders. Others may require more flexibility or strength to accomplish. With the Suspended Congress position, the man will stand with his back to the wall while lifting his partner’s rear end. The woman, in turn, must hold onto the man’s waist with her thighs and push her feet against the wall for additional support.
Keeping your romance and sex life hot is important for any relationship. Fortunately, the Kama Sutra has a number of tips to stimulate both you and your partner.