Keurig Brewing System: Catch the Buzz!

Tired of standing in front of the coffee maker, willing it to brew faster? When you’re ready for that first hit of caffeine in the morning, there’s nothing more excruciating than the preparation – fumbling with those sticky paper filters, measuring out the coffee and pouring in the water for a not-that-great-tasting cup that takes forever to drip into the pot. And if coffee isn’t your cup of, well, tea, then you still have to wait for your water to boil, tea to steep…it’s a lot to go through just for a fresh cup. But the Keurig Brewing System makes getting that morning – or whenever – drink faster, easier and much more delicious. You’ve probably seen the futuristic beverage brewer or heard your friends rave about it.
Basically, the system draws water from its reservoir, heats it and pours it through a tiny cup called a K Cup, which has a premeasured amount of coffee that rests in a tiny filter inside the cup. The machine pierces the top of the cup, hot water runs through it and into your cup. Each time you brew, you get one cup of the freshest hot drink of your choice in less than a minute. In the time it takes for you to brew a pot, you can have a couple of cups on hand for anyone who needs it.
K Cups are available in a ton of varieties – Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Gloria Jean’s and other favorite brand names are available in coffee. The Keurig also brews hot tea, partnering with makers such as Celestial Seasonings and Twinings. Other beverages available include apple cider and hot chocolate, and there are even formulas specifically for creating iced teas and coffee.
You can choose the size brewer that works best for you – home versions get as simple or as fancy as you like, with varying sizes of water reservoirs and cup sizes so that you can customize the strength and temperature of your drink. Keurig even offers commercial brewers for offices and other workplaces that hook into a direct water line to offer workers that afternoon pick-me-up without having them resort to the dregs of whatever’s been in the pot for the past few hours.
Keurig machines are pricey – the mini version runs about $100 but can be found on sale for a little less. They run up to $200 depending on the features you desire, and K Cups aren’t as inexpensive as bulk coffee. Prices vary for multipacks, but an 18-cup box bought at the grocery store costs between $11-14, depending on the variety. The cost online is a little cheaper, with 24 packs ranging from $12-16. Just like ground coffee, the brand you choose tends to determine the price – for example, Starbucks K Cups will be more expensive than Folger’s K Cups.
You can find great deals when you register your Keurig machine on – that’s where members of Club Keurig get discounts on coffee, free samples and more. There has been criticism that the cups aren’t environmentally friendly, but it seems convenience has outweighed concern for the environment. The company line is that the cup, the interior filter and aluminum top don’t make much of an environmental impact when discarded; however, Keurig is exploring ways to reduce the environmental impact of those cups.
All in all, the Keurig is well worth the price tag. Upon first tasting the coffee, testers wondered why they’d ever drunk the swill that came out of the coffee pot! The coffees sampled were heartier and fresher with a nice roasted taste and didn’t have that “oily” tendency that the coffee pot can create. With the variety and convenience of a Keurig drink maker, you can create a taste for anyone, any time of day.