Ladies Workout Express

An offshoot of the Lady of America Franchise Corporation, there are morethan 450 Lady of America, Ladies Workout Express, Workout Express and Health Clubs of America fitness centers in 45 states and 9 countries. LadiesWorkout Express uses a circuit-training approach to help women get inshape.
Each Ladies Workout Express circuit has eight and twelve hydraulic machines with corresponding rest and recovery stations. The machines work two muscle groups at once, giving club members more bang for the buck. In between each machine, participants run, jump or jog on the rest and recoveryplatforms in between the machines.
With so many circuit-training destinations on the market these days, it isoften difficult to tell one from the other. The folks at Ladies WorkoutExpress maintain that their machines have 10 resistance settings for thevarious levels. These levels are adjusted every day to ensure that it offersdifferent workouts.
In addition, the machines are equipped with two hydraulic-pistons instead ofone so that the workout is even more intense than that of the competition. By constantly adjusting the machines, this ensures that the body won’t hit a plateau every few months.
The Ladies Workout Express fitness plan is suitable for women of every age,shape, size and fitness level. There is always one staff member who watchesover members to ensure they are using the machines properly and getting the most of their workout.
Unlike the machines at most gyms, it is simple to use the equipment at Ladies Workout Express. There is no necessity to add weights or adjust the machines. And the best part is that you will get both a cardio and strength-training program in under 30 minutes.