Large Waistline, Tiny Brain?
Heavier people seem to be more prone to cognitive problems like Alzheimer’s disease, and now researchers know why. It seems that packing on the pounds reduces the size of your brain, according to a recent study. Clinically obese people – those whose body mass index was more than 30 – had 8 percent less brain tissue than those whose BMIs fell in the normal range. Overweight people who participated in the study – those whose BMIs were 25-29.9 – had 4 percent less brain tissue. The loss was most significant in the areas of the brain that control decision-making and memory. Brains in overweight and obese people aged more quickly as well. Obese people’s brains aged 16 years faster than those in a normal weight range; overweight people’s brains aged 8 years faster. These findings are significant, considering that more than 60 percent of the U.S. population falls into one of these ranges. Researchers were quick to point out the holistic effects of being heavy – it affects the entire body, not just the brain. Don’t lose your mind – think about your choices and get moving to prevent a whole host of problems that obesity and carrying around extra weight can cause.