3 Signs Your Mate's a Bully

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Then you may be in a relationship with a bully. Mocking others who don't perform to the bully's impossible standards is another sign. Check out how your mate deals with kids, whether they're your own or others'. If he or she makes comments like, "Man up! Boys don't cry." or "You throw like a girl, Billy!" under the guise of "just joking," it's probably a safe bet that he or she isn't kidding. Blaming others when he or she is frustrated is another sign of a bully. Making excuses that lay fault on others when something goes wrong at his or her hands is common for bullies, and so is criticizing another person's character instead of owning up to his or her frustration. Talk to your mate about why he or she feels the need to act this way, and if that doesn't work, then a therapist might be helpful.