Revealed! 10 Guilt Traps for Moms

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1. Less-Than-Perfect Labor

Yes, the guilt starts early. Before we're even holding our new bundle of joy, we're told how the perfect birth should be. Your friends, your mother-in-law and the latest childbirth book all had their plans, but you, your baby and your body might have had another. Birthing plans don't always pan out, either. Rather than dwelling on what might have been or living up to other moms' war stories, focus on the fact that you and your baby are alive and healthy. You don't need to prove a thing to anyone.

2. Choosing To Bottle Feed

Not all mothers find it easy or convenient to breastfeed their baby exclusively. Whether breastfeeding didn't work for you because of issues with milk production, your work schedule, or other reasons, you're definitely not alone. Plenty of moms choose to feed their babies formula for one reason or another, and although breast milk is nature's intended baby food, formula isn't poisonous to your child. Relax and continue to follow the path that works best for you and your family.

3. Being Disorganized

Raising kids throws even the most organized woman off balance sometimes, and those of us who had a touch of disorganization prior to becoming a mom may find ourselves headed for airhead city once the kids come along. The "together" moms you see from time-to-time get that way through a combination of practice, perseverance, and probably a good dose of genetic organizational ability. And guess what? Even those seemingly perfect moms have their days and their messes.