More Men Want Kids Than Women

It sounds like a contradiction, with many women of a certain age stereotypically complaining about their biological clocks, but a recent survey done by the Associated Press found that more men want kids than women. Of those who already had kids, eight out of 10 fathers said they’d always wanted to have kids, compared with seven in 10 moms. Not only that, but dads seemed to be reaping more rewards from parenthood. They were more likely than moms to report parenthood had positive effects on their love lives and career, according to the survey, and men were just as likely as women to report that parenthood made them happier and gave them a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Men and women seem to see eye to eye when it comes to thinking about the ways kids will affect their lives. Among the childless people surveyed, men placed the same amount of importance as women on the impact of parenthood on their social lives and careers.
And more men are dads than you’d probably think. Up to 91 percent of men age 35 and younger say they’re already fathers or they’d like to become fathers someday. But their reasons for wanting to become dads differ a little from the reasons of would-be moms. The main reason men wanted to procreate was to pass on their family legacy and traditions, while 22 percent of women cited caring for and raising a child as their top reason to have kids. Surprisingly, 25 percent of single guys said they’d consider adopting or raising their own child without a partner. Though 88 percent of this group did say they wanted to marry someday. So the next time you think your guy’s biological clock might be broken, think again – he may want kids more than you think…and for some unexpected reasons.