Nighttime Heartburn Help

By Juana Cruz
Nighttime heartburn can happen, since you are in an inclined position, and gravity can pull your food contents to the esophagus. When this happens, the patient will experience a burning sensation in the chest, throat and mouth. So, for some heartburn help, follow these tips:
1. Eat small meals If you eat too much, break it down into a few, small meals spread throughout the day. Being full can add more pressure to the stomach and weaken the lower esophagus muscle.
2. Don’t lie down after eating. You should wait for two hours or more after dinner to go to sleep. An inclined position can cause the stomach contents to slide to the esophagus, so wait for your food to settle in first.
3. Use an acid reflux pillow. An acid reflux pillow helps to elevate your head and torso when you sleep, to make sure that the stomach contents stay in your stomach and not reach your esophagus at night. 4. Avoid food that cause heartburn. Foods that cause heartburn are those that weaken the LES. These include fatty food, caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, oil, high fat butter and cream, citrus fruits and drinks and tomato-based products. These should be avoided at all cost if you want to avoid heartburn. If you want to be sure which of them you should exclude from your diet, have a food journal. There are also many heartburn-free recipes which you can try.
5. Maintain a reasonable weight. Obesity puts too much pressure on your stomach, which forces stomach contents to go upwards instead of staying where they should be.
6. Don’t smoke. Aside from the fact that nicotine can weaken your LES, it is found that smokers are seventy percent more prone to heartburn, and those who already have heartburn have worse symptoms.
7. Relax. Many heartburn patients report having worse symptoms when they are stressed, so you should manage your stress levels better.There are many more ways how to relieve nighttime heartburn. For more heartburn help, visit my blog. And for a natural treatment for heartburn which had not failed thousands of other patients, check out “Heartburn No More” by Jeff Martin.
About the Author: Would you like to know the best natural heartburn treatment? It’s the ebook “Heartburn No More” by Jeff Martin, who has found a totally holistic way of curing heartburn. This has helped thousands of other people get rid of their heartburn forever, and you might, too. Read my review on it on my Acid Reflux Natural Cure blog.
Article Source: – Nighttime Heartburn Help