Omega Diet
Although Omega-3 fatty acids are the more healthy of the two, the average person’s diet holds more Omega-6 acids. It’s important that there is a balance of both EFA’s to achieve optimum health. When an equal ratio of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids is not present in the body, it can end in an extra risk of heart disease, cancer, obesity, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, allergies, diabetes and depression.
To combat this imbalance and fight disease, the Omega Diet favors monounsaturated fats rather than saturated fats, trans-fatty acids and oils that are high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Fruits, vegetables and legumes are also emphasized. Ironically, the plan allows for 35 percent of calories to come from fat. You are entitled to eat cheese, mayonnaise, full-fat salad dressing on the Omega Plan so long as you go by the plan’s seven guidelines.
Eat plenty of Omega-3 fatty acids with cold-water fish, flax and walnut oil. Use canola, olive and flax oils. Consume at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Make peas, beans and nuts an integral part of your diet. Lower intake of saturated fat and cholesterol. Avoid oils high in omega-6 fatty acids, such as corn, peanut, sunflower and safflower. Get rid products made from these oils. Avoid trans-fatty acids.
Sources of Omega-3 include fish oils, flaxseeds, leafy green vegetables and different nuts. Omega-6 comes from eggs, poultry, whole-grain breads, margarine and vegetables oils.