Parenting: There’s an App for That

Smartphones seem to make most aspects of life easier and more entertaining. So why not use them to help you out with your most important job – parenting? You already know that some apps keep your kids entertained while you’re running errands or in the car. But a few apps help you organize kids’ activities, get you to and from those activities, record precious moments, and keep kids happy and content. Sometimes babies and toddlers seem to have trouble filtering out annoying noise – think loudspeaker announcements – and get full-on cranky at the most inopportune times. If your little one needs soothing, then give the White Noise app a try. The free download includes calm sounds, such as waves crashing on a beach, crickets, thunder, a fan’s whirring, and of course, white noise. The 99-cent download includes 40 sounds, including frogs and other natural sounds. If you’re on the road with little ones who have trouble “holding it” until the next stop – and the thought of a grungy gas station makes you cringe — then the Sit or Squat app is for you.
It uses your location to show you the closest potties, and even offers a cleanliness rating and changing table/handicap accessible availability. If you’re out and about and catch your child uttering one of those famous, funny bon mots that kids are famous for, then the iTalk Recorder is the perfect app to capture your child’s chat for posterity. AirMe is the app for you if you want to avoid the hassle of uploading that Kodak moment you just captured on your iPhone. It seamlessly uploads pictures to several photo-sharing sites, avoiding e-mail completely. Having something for the kids to do at a restaurant or in a waiting room can make a big difference in keeping parents sane and happy. There are tons of apps that range from educational to just plain fun that can keep your kids entertained as you wait for a meal or sit in traffic. The iTunes app store carries games, educational tools and other apps that are as unique as your children, so check it out!