Pet Obesity: A Growing Concern

Obesity in pets is common these days and causes real problems. Pet obesity is due to overfeeding, improper diet or lack of exercise. Obesity in pets is also attributed to the modern lifestyles of people, who leave their pets alone in their house, eating for themselves whatever they want and not providing any exercise. Obesity conditions of pets can lead to health problems — similar to those in obese people — high blood pressure, skin problems, increased risk to diabetes mellitus and infection risk, and heat intolerance.
Obesity in cats: Nearly 25 percent of cats are known to be clinically obese, meaning excess fat accumulation of the body. Not having a check on the cat’s obesity may reduce the cat’s life span. Obese cats are prone to heart disease, arthritis, skin disorders, fatty liver disease, lower urinary tract diseases, diabetes and cancer.
Reasons for obesity in cats: Obesity in cats may be due to aging, genetics or the cat’s breed. Mixed-breed cats suffer from obesity more than pure breeds. Neutering female and male cats’ bodily functions gets reduced up to 25 percent leading them into obesity. Eating extra calories and low thyroid hormonal levels also cause obesity.
Obesity in dogs: The incidence obesity is more when the dogs are owned by an obese person than the dogs owned by a physically fit person. The dog breeds, which are more prone to obesity, are small terriers, cocker spaniels, dachshunds, beagles etc. This does not mean that other dog breeds are not prone to obesity. Any dog, which is lethargic and lies down all the day, is obese. It has been found that around one third of people do not know that their dogs are obese.
Reasons for obesity in dogs: When dogs are fed table scraps they become obese — food cannot be monitored for quality. A high-quality dog food with a good nutritional balance and value should be provided.
Spayed female dogs are more prone to obesity. Likewise, neutered male dogs are at risk. A dog may be become obese due to underactive thyroid hormones. When dogs are not provided regular walks and exercise, they tend to become obese.
Ways to overcome obesity in pets: Pets should be provided with nutritious, high-protein food. They have to be supplemented with amino acids, vitamins and minerals for regaining their stamina. Spend time with pets, walking daily and exercising in the backyard or dog park. The valuable time spent with the pet can be very relaxing to both the pet and the owner.
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