Pick a Scent that He Loves

Along with those vibes you’re throwing out, men are attracted to something else you put out there – your scent. Perfume and your own body’s natural scents – good and bad – have an impact on the chemistry a potential partner feels with you. In fact, in a Cosmopolitan survey, 84 percent of men surveyed said perfume had the power to turn them on or off. They ranked sweet scents like vanilla high because of its ability to remind them of childhood days and perhaps make them secure enough to show their emotions. Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt has even admitted to stashing a bottle of McCormick’s vanilla extract (yes, the cooking kind!) in her purse to dab behind her ears. Hewitt says men repeatedly compliment her scent. Surprisingly, the scent of pumpkin pie has the same effect. The top fragrances that guys like use vanilla as part of the blend. Citrus ranks high with guys as well, with floral scents ranking last. The first thing you can do to ensure that a scent works for you and your man is to sample it.
Fragrances smell vastly different on individual people than they do in the bottle, so if your man says he loves a certain brand, give it a try first. If you can’t get a small sample of the perfume to use for a day or two, then try just spritzing the tester on your wrists. Walk around for a few hours, and if you like the way it reacts with your body chemistry, go back to purchase it. Try Clean Skin for a vanilla scent that’s not too sugary sweet. If you love citrus scents, you’re in luck – men seem to be turned on by fresh orange fragrances, like Coach Poppy. If you must have a floral scent, be sure it’s balanced with other sultry scents. A spicy floral like Daisy Marc Jacobs is perfect, and Victoria’s Secret Very Sexy is just that with its orchid, vanilla and woodsy notes. Steer clear of anything reminiscent of baby powder, which may remind your man of his grandma – or babies! The same goes for heavy florals, like rose. Pay attention to your scent in order to drive him crazy!