Portion Distortion: Reality Check

More isn’t merrier, especially when it comes to what you’re putting in your mouth. Inflation has given us a warped perception of just how big a portion size truly is. In this super-sized society, everything is bigger, bolder and badder for your waistline. While 20 years ago a typical bagel had a three-inch diameter and 140 calories, today’s bagel is often a whopping six inches and 350 calories. Still not convinced that there’s a growing problem at hand? Consider that a McDonald’s hamburger was just 1.6 ounces in 1955, compared to today’s 8-ounce burger that can cost you upwards of 590 calories. The portion distortion epidemic is prominent in both restaurant kitchens and home kitchens. While you can’t control the portion sizes you’re served when dining out, you can get a handle of what you bring to your own table. One way is to use a food scale to measure out your portions. There are also other effective rules of thumb you can use to eyeball servings.

A 3-ounce chicken breast cooked is about the size of a deck of cards. The same goes for three ounces of cooked lean beef. A 1/4 cup of almonds is about the size of a golf ball while 1 ounce of luncheon meat is the size of a compact disc. A bagel should be the size of a can of tuna – a slice of bread the size of a cassette tape. A one-cup serving of cooked pasta should be about the size of baseball. A 1/2 cup serving of cooked rice is about the size of a light bulb. One your portions start expanding beyond these basic estimates, remember, your waistline may quickly follow. Measure out your food so you don’t exceed your recommended daily caloric intake.