Risque Bachelorette Party Favors

For many brides-to-be, the naughty bachelorette party thrown by a few of her closest friends is a rite of passage. Before tying the knot, it’s customary to tie one (or many) on at a bar, strip club or other venue. If you’re the party planner, the pressure to put together the perfect party can be huge. You may be tempted to go full-on raunchy, but consider the guest of honor’s wishes before doing so. Perhaps her style is more low-key, like a camping trip or spa day. If she does want to go all-out, however, there are tons of fun ways to go about it. First, there are companies such as Pure Romance and Passion Parties that offer in-home sex toy parties. Why not ask partygoers to purchase not only something for themselves, but also for the happy couple? One of these parties or any party hosted at someone’s home would be a perfect venue for some naughty games – of course, prizes can get as down and dirty as you like! Play “pin the macho on the man” by blindfolding partygoers and allowing them to stick the missing, uh, piece to a picture of a hot naked guy.
Perhaps a sex toy could be the prize for the lady who pins it closest to where it should be! There are penises aplenty for those who want that “theme” for their bachelorette party. Put out a platter of penis cupcakes and stuff a penis pinata full of candy shaped as…you guessed it. Serve up frilly pink drinks with phallic straws. And be sure to have lots of disposable cameras lying around for fun candids that can be put together in a scrapbook for the bride. If everyone prefers a night on the town, you can keep up the fun and games by setting up a scavenger hunt beforehand, making it as risque or tame as you want. Give a grand prize for the most items found, or make the items the partygoers are looking for prizes in and of themselves. Send your friend off into married life in style and with lots of fun!