Safe Beauty Treatments During Pregnancy
If you’re used to primping and polishing your skin, hair and body in order to look your best, then you may wonder if you can keep up all that maintenance when you’re pregnant. And even more important, whether or not certain beauty treatments are safe. The good news is that much of what you’re currently doing is safe, but there are a few treatments you should avoid. First, the good news. Removing and minimizing the appearance of hair with waxing and bleaching is still OK, doctors say. Unfortunately, those procedures may be harsh on pregnant women’s more sensitive skin, particularly if you wax the pubic area. But if you can take the pain, then go for it. Many experts even say that chemical depilatories are OK to use – but many also say they’re not, given that they can seep into the bloodstream if skin is broken. So use caution and ask your own healthcare professional if it’s OK. Feel free to hit the spa when you’re pregnant – prenatal massages help reduce stress and increase blood flow. Pedicures are wonderful treatments for expectant moms who are having trouble seeing their feet! And while scrubs may make your skin smoother, just keep in mind that your skin can be more sensitive, as with waxing, so you might want to take it easy. When it comes to your nails, you may want to avoid the more chemical-intensive treatments like acrylic nails. And while the chemical smell of a nail salon may make you nauseous, limited exposure to them shouldn’t harm the baby. Nails tend to be stronger and grow longer during pregnancy, so au naturel may be the way to go until delivery. A few treatments that are definitely off limits are: Botox injections, piercings, tattoos, teeth bleaching and spa wraps, which can raise body temperature. Stick with the safe stuff – you’re already glowing!