Save Money on Baby Essentials

Everybody knows that raising children is expensive. Even before that bouncing baby comes out of the womb, you’re already spending mad money. Between diapers, formula, clothes and more, the costs add up fast. You just need to have some common sense to save money. Formula alone can set you back more than $100 a month. That’s a high price to pay when you could be feeding you child for free. Besides having many health benefits for baby, breastfeeding can save you a fortune. Nurse your child for as long as you possibly can. If you’re unable to breastfeed any longer, look to Costco, Sam’s Club or other warehouse stores where you can get more for less by buying in bulk. Also surf the Web for discounts, coupons and special offers. If your child is moving on to solids, skip those jars of food. At $1 a jar, you can end up spending around $100 a month on baby food at the very least. Why not puree your own food? Hit the farmers market for fresh produce. If you are still set on buying baby food that’s already made, clip coupons to save you cash.
Diapers are one of those necessary evils that are going to be around for a couple of years. So why not start saving sooner than later? While the most cost-effective solution is to use cloth diapers, that’s a mess with which most people don’t want to contend. Diapers can actually cost you an arm and a leg, especially if you don’t shop smart. Avoid buying diapers at the grocery store, where you get far less bang for your buck. Instead, shop for diapers at Sam’s or Costco where you can buy them in bulk. and other Web sites also have good offers if you have no warehouse clubs in your area. Look online for coupons. Of course, the number one way to save on baby costs is hand-me-downs. Whether it’s clothing, toys or furniture, take what you can get. By accepting these things, you’ll shell out less.