Say Cheese: Snapping the Perfect Family Picture

Nothing captures memories and powerful moments more than a photograph. You don’t have to be a professional photographer in order to snap the perfect family picture. You can add life and interest to your family pictures with these tips.
Taking Pictures at Different Levels
Typically, adults stand up when taking pictures of their children. However, since adults can be much taller than a child, you can get a better picture if you take it at their level. If you really want to capture their expressions, try sitting down or crouching at eye-level.
Your children don’t necessarily have to be looking directly at the camera but just by getting at their level, it makes the picture more personable.
On the other hand, you can also try a view of your children that is higher up. It gives an interesting perspective when you stand on something higher, such as a chair or ladder and shoot down at the subjects.
Different angles make for interesting pictures. Just as you can take shots where you are higher up, you can also try snapping pictures at lower levels. Do this by lying down, squatting or sitting and snap the pictures looking up. You will be amazed at how interesting these photos turn out.
Pictures and Backgrounds
Sometimes, we think the more background, the better the picture. However, backgrounds with lots of clutter can take away from the people you are trying to capture. If you really want to focus on the family in a picture, then choose a plain background. It could be the skyline, a wall or just a plain fence.
This doesn’t mean you should eliminate the use of backgrounds, it just means that if your intent is to focus solely on the family then keep the background simple.
Using Flash When Taking Pictures
We often think of using the flash feature of our cameras when we are indoors. However, using the flash outdoors can also be helpful, particularly on a cloudy day. If you are shooting pictures of the family outside and it’s cloudy, use the flash.
The flash can also be used outdoors when it’s bright and sunny. If your family is wearing any type of hat outdoors, it can cast dark shadows on their faces. A flash will help to lighten those dark shadows and show their facial features.
Change the Location of Those You Are Photographing
You can create more interesting photographs by changing the location of those you are photographing. Try something new instead of the typical look of the family standing in a straight line for a picture.
Many times, we take family pictures with mom and dad in the middle and the children in front, lining them up from shortest to tallest. Create a triangular look by having one person as the center and the rest of the family creating a line on either side of the center person. This gives a 3-dimensional effect.
We also tend to center people when we are taking pictures of them. An interesting look can be created when your subject is off center.
You can also have everyone gather in close together and do a close-up of their faces. Try to think of new ways to capture the entire family by moving them around to different spots.
You can also try having family members sit at different levels. To accomplish this, utilize stools or steps. Or you could have some family members kneeling, some standing and others sitting. This gives variation which can be visually appealing.
Eliminating the Problem of Closed Eyes
We are all familiar with the phrase, “Say cheese!” which is meant to get everyone to smile. Another common issue when taking an otherwise perfect picture is discovering that someone’s eyes were closed. You can eliminate that problem by having everyone close their eyes when you are about to snap the picture. Then call out, “Open!” and at the same time everyone will open their eyes, giving you the perfect opportunity to snap the picture.
Family Vacation Pictures
When taking family pictures on vacations, it is easy to put the focus on the location or scenery, when the focus should be on the people. Location shots are separate pictures to be taken. If you want to focus on your family, make the scenery or location a backdrop. Make sure you zoom in close to your family, instead of zooming out where they become nothing more than specs in the picture.
Create Fun, Active Photographs
Family pictures don’t always have to be about everyone standing there and smiling. Make things interesting by giving everyone something to do. A busy picture of your family is fun to take and becomes an enjoyable photograph.
Active photos can be created by having family interacting with one another. They can do this a number of ways:
- Talking;
- Playing;
- Building;
- Hugging;
- Tickling; and
- Walking.
The possibilities are really endless. Interactions are moments that you want to be able to capture when snapping the perfect family picture.
Some of the best family pictures are those that are unplanned. Staging pictures isn’t the only way to go. Take advantage of opportunities where your family is engaged in something and they are not even thinking about the camera. Some of the best photos are those where no thought is being given to being photographed. It becomes more natural and relevant.
Tips for the Photographer
Don’t stop snapping! Take as many pictures as you can. You will sometimes be amazed at the fantastic pictures you are able to capture just by continuing to click away.
It’s also important to be patient and not feel rushed when taking family pictures. If you are relaxed, the pictures will turn out better. Forced, hurried or rushed photographs take away from what you are trying to capture.
When it comes to taking family pictures, all you really need is a little creativity to come away with the perfect keepsake. Photographs are like treasures; experiences that you are able to capture in one moment’s time. So make the most of that moment and snap the perfect family picture.