Say No to Spot Training
While most of us have a certain body part we would like to work on more than others, there is no such thing as spot reducing. When you do a specific exercise for a specific part of your body, the muscles of that particular body part will develop and get stronger and grow bigger, but it will do nothing to get rid of excess fat. The best way to take off any extra unwanted fat from trouble areas is through sensible eating coupled with moderate exercise. Don’t fall for the hype surrounding those as-seen-on-TV gizmos that claim to target fat in certain areas. The places where you lose fat once you embark on a weight-loss plan can vary greatly, given genetics, gender and age. A pear-shaped woman tends to stay pear-shaped – just on a smaller scale – when she loses weight.Likewise, if you carry fat in your arms, you’re likely to hang on to those fat pockets, even when you lose weight all over. Women of Mediterranean, European and Hispanic descent tend to store fat in the hips, thighs and buttocks, while Asian women tend to hold fat in the extremities and abdominal areas. A woman in her 20s can get away with a lot of weight loss and still look baby-faced, while a woman in her 40s might look gaunt as she loses the same amount of weight. And men tend to store fat as a “beer belly” – women look more bottom-heavy. Be patient when waiting for the fruits of your labor to show in your problem areas.