School Your Children in Dealing with Cyberbullies

Just when you thought it was safe for your child to go into cyberspace. It’s bad enough that children have to deal with being pushed around face to face in school, but apparently the intimidation doesn’t stop there. A growing trend of cyberbullying has parents, students, education professionals and lawmakers concerned — and with good reason. The Internet, cell phones and other technologies are breeding grounds for harassment of kids, and oftentimes the attacks are done anonymously so the perpetrators and nameless and faceless. As cowardly as it may seem, it’s a reality for many children. In one study, at least 18 percent of kids in middle school reported to being cyberbullied at least once in the past two months. Cyberbullying is defined as when a child, preteen or teen is threatened, harassed, humiliated or embarrassed by somebody else under the age of 18 using the Web, mobile phones or other digital technologies. If an adult is involved, it then becomes cyberstalking or cyber-harassment. Cyberbullying isn’t an issue to be taken lightly. It’s so serious that children have even committed suicide after being trashed on the Internet, social networking sites or via instant message. Cyberbullying acts include spreading lies and rumors about victims, sending or forwarding mean messages, posting pictures of the victim without their permission or pretending to be someone else to trick the victim.
There are steps children can take to prevent cyberbullying. Encourage them not to pass along the messages. They should ask the bullies to stop. Block communications with the bullies. They should let you know immediately that they’re being blocked. Make sure your children know to never give out their passwords to anyone except you. Let them know it’s never OK to give someone online their name, address, social security number or any other important information. Because cyberbullying can take place on your watch, it’s important you know what’s going on. You want to be informed, so keep home computers in places you can see them. Let your children know they can tell you anything, especially if they’re being harassed. Always save any messages or pictures your child receives in case you need them in the future. If you can find out who is bullying your child, consider talking to that child or their parents to put an end to the bullying.