Secrets of the Tanning Salon

Getting baked never seemed so safe…according to the employees of places where you can tan in a tanning booth. If you ask about the safety of tanning beds – most people don’t – you’ll get a lot of information about their safety. But don’t believe the hype. Here is the truth about tanning salons that those “helpful” employees just don’t want you to know. First, there is no such thing as a “safe” or “smart” tan, even if you’re outside. Tanned skin is actually injured skin – UV rays damage the DNA of the epidermal cells, and the browning reaction is a defense to protect against further damage. Indoor tanning is more dangerous than outdoors, regardless of what anyone says, because you get a more concentrated dose of harmful UVA rays, those that may encourage skin cancer. And did you know “tanorexia” is real? True. People who feel like they’re never dark enough mimic signs of having a substance abuse-related disorder, and they may experience higher rates of anxiety and depression than those who don’t tan.
And salons don’t protect this vulnerable population or others who try to bend the rules, like those who want to go the maximum time of the bed the first few times they visit or even those who are already sunburned! Employees may try to discourage someone who obviously doesn’t need to tan extensively, but in the end, they’ll still take your money. And speaking of money, many employees work on commission, so they will try to upsell you on gels and lotions that “accelerate” your tan – sometimes for upwards of $75 a pop! These may or may not help you tan faster, and they may try to get you to buy a tanning package before getting an airbrush or spray tan. Don’t fall for the ruse. And don’t be so sure that tanning bed is clean. Many people use them in the buff, so you’re susceptible to all kinds of communicable skin issues when you lie down in one. Employees should clean beds, but sometimes they don’t do a great job…or don’t do it at all. So go with the straight-up spray if you must get that glow.