Shocker! Men Are More Forgetful

Whether it’s picking up bread on the way home, forgetting your best friend’s name or even your anniversary, many people who have lived with men wouldn’t disagree that they’re downright forgetful sometimes. If you’re a woman and think you have a better memory than your male mate, you’re right – and science proves it! A recent Norwegian study published in BMC Psychology revealed that men indeed have more trouble remembering things than women. More than 48,000 people were asked nine questions during the course of the study. Participants were queried about conversation details, what they were doing one year ago and more. Men expressed the most difficulty in answering eight of those nine questions. Names and dates were most difficult for both sexes – so maybe don’t give him such a hard time about forgetting special occasions.People who were more highly educated were less likely to forget than those with less education. And while women had the same trouble as men remembering things, they did do it slightly better. No more blaming forgetfulness on “senior brain,” either – the study found that there wasn’t much discrepancy in forgetfulness for adults aged 30 to 60. At 60, memory problems accelerate overall. “It was surprising to see that men forget more than women. This has not been documented before. It was also surprising to see that men are just as forgetful whether they are 30 or 60 years old. The results were unambiguous,” says Professor Jostein Holmen, from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim.