Should You Be a Submissive Wife?

There are all kinds of different dynamics when it comes to marriages, and the traditional male-female gender roles still work for some couples. In fact, just recently, pro volleyball player Gabrielle Reece spoke out about her relationship with husband and pro surfer Laird Hamilton. Reece describes her role in the relationship as “submissive” in her new book. Shocking, right? Maybe not. She explains that she made a change four years into their marriage, when the couple considered divorce. Reece “chose to adhere to traditional gender roles” and “serving her husband.” She told the Today show, “I’m willing and I choose to serve my family and my husband because it creates a dynamic where he is then in fact acting more like a man and masculine and treating me the way I want to be treated. I’d like to be cherished and I’d like someone to look after me as well in that role. And I think because women have the ability to set the tone, that the ultimate strength and showing real power, I believe, is creating that environment. I think it’s a sign of strength.” Basically, Reece says the traditional role of a wife appeals to her and is what works for their relationship. Being a submissive wife doesn’t have to mean bending to any whim the husband might have – but it could. Submissive wives are told to treat their husbands with respect, not pointing out flaws. But it both partners should demonstrate respect. Marriage certainly is a partnership, so whatever dynamic keeps that partnership healthy and functional is probably the one to go with.