Signs You Might Be “Loving Yourself” Too Much

Give yourself a hand when it comes to sexuality. Masturbation is normal, healthy and a good way to figure out what you enjoy and don’t enjoy during sex. It helps to guide a partner to create more enjoyment for both of you. But there still is a stigma attached to talking about masturbation. So how do you know what’s a “normal” amount and what’s too much? There are a few signs to look out for if you think you might masturbate too much. First, take a look at your other pastimes – are there any? If masturbation is taking you away from activities you once enjoyed, then there may be a problem. Likewise, if you schedule your “me” time and constantly obsess over when and how you’re going to do it, then it may begin to interfere with your daily life.
Consider how you feel before and during your sessions. If you use masturbation as an escape from daily life or do it several times in a row, then you may need to assess how you use masturbation. Masturbating to the point where you harm yourself, whether it’s breaking the skin, chafing or otherwise, then it may be a compulsive behavior. And if you can’t control the frequency at which you masturbate, then again, it’s a warning sign that you might need help. If these behaviors sound a lot like addiction, that’s because it can be. Masturbating compulsively can have as negative an effect as a gambling, alcohol or other addiction. The behavior won’t get better on its own, so talk to a counselor who is trained in sexual behavior or sexual addiction.