Single Parenting: One Is Enough

More women than ever are the sole caregiver for their children, and that’s really OK. If you’re one of the many single moms out there, then you may worry about whether or not you’re giving your children everything they need – emotionally and in other ways. Experts say not to worry, however. There’s no reason to believe that kids who are raised in a single-parent household end up any worse than those in two-parent households. In fact, if you have sons and are a single mom, then your kids will grow up with a better understanding and respect of women’s capabilities and strengths. While it is one of the hardest jobs around, single moms do enjoy a few perks of the job. When only one parent is around, then your word is the last word. “Bedtime” means bedtime, not the child playing off one parent or another for a few more minutes of playtime.
Disciplining is entirely up to you and avoids a partner perhaps undermining the punishment – and the resentment that follows. Say goodbye to the conflicts about household workflow as well; there’s no one to argue with about chores, and the ensuing resentment when they don’t get done. But single moms need support, too. If you need a hand once in awhile, then seek out resources like other single moms or family members who can help out with child care. Lean on these resources – and those in your community, such as church and schools – when the most important job just gets to be too much.