Six Simple Rules to Low Glycemic Eating

Consuming mostly low to medium GI level foods is one of the best choices that you can make to get a health and lean body. If you are new to the glycemic index, it may sound overwhelming and confusing to you. So now I will give you six simple rules to follow that will help you to live a low GI lifestyle on a daily basis. The six rules are:
1. Eat more beans and legumes.
Legumes and beans are very high soluble and insoluble fibers. They are also packed with important nutrients such as B vitamins, folic acid, iron, zinc, and magnesium. Beans and legumes really are true power foods, not only are they very nutritious but they are also very versatile, easy to make, low in calories, filling, and inexpensive. You can also add beans and legumes to other meals and snacks to lower their GI level. You should be consuming one cup serving of beans or legumes at least four times a week.
2. Have some nuts daily.
Although nuts are high in fat, it is mostly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat. Nuts are a great source of vitamin E and selenium. The combination of vitamin E and selenium in nuts is excellent for keeping the skin healthy. Nuts make a wonderful snack. So try to consume around a handful of nuts per day.
3. Eat lean meats, eggs, and seafood daily.
These foods have an extremely low GI because they consist mainly of protein. While it is possible to get adequate iron from a vegetarian diet, red meat is the best source of iron you can get. Good iron levels are crucial to have high energy levels. Women especially must remember to always select foods carefully to prevent iron deficiency. You should eat at least three servings of red meat per week to keep your iron levels in balance.
Omega-3 eggs are not only a great source of protein but also a great source of healthy fats and vitamin E. They are very easy to prepare delicious meals with. You should always keep a few hard boiled eggs in the fridge; they make a great snack on the go.
Fish are an excellent source of protein and contain healthy fats. However, women that are pregnant or nursing should use caution when consuming fish due to mercury levels in certain species.
4. Eat low fat dairy products.
Milk, cheese, and yogurt are very rich sources of Calcium. Calcium is very important for many different body functions, and if you do not consume enough of it, the body will take it out of your bones which can lead to a number of series health problems such as Osteoporosis. Also, new research shows that the components of dairy products play an important role in fat burning. So try to have at least one serving of low fat dairy products per day.
If you are lactose intolerant, you can still get enough Calcium by consuming lactose-reduced products or products made from soy milk. Supermarkets today have lots of great milk, yogurt, and cheese options for lactose intolerant individuals.
5. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
Not only are fruits and vegetables very high in fiber, but they are also loaded with powerful antioxidants such as vitamins A and C, which will help to keep you healthy, strong, and looking your best. Antioxidants do lots of work to protect your cells from damage caused by aging, sun, and environmental pollutants.
Most vegetables contain very little carbohydrates and have an extremely low GI level. Potatoes are the exception to this. Most fruits also have very low GI levels due to the sugar fructose, fiber, and acids they contain. Usually the higher levels of acid fruits contain, the lower their GI level will be. That is why citrus fruits have extremely low GI levels. Berries have so little carbohydrates in them that their GI level is almost impossible to test. Berries are a true power food, because not only are they delicious and have very low GI levels, but they are also loaded with antioxidants. So feel free to enjoy them as much as you want.
You should aim to eat at least six servings of fruits and vegetables per day. A serving is usually one medium size fruit, half a cup of vegetables, or half a cup of berries.
6. Eat lots of whole grains.
For most individuals, grains are big part of their daily diet. You can still enjoy your favorite grains like bread and pasta when following a low GI lifestyle, but just make sure that you make smart grain choices and select quality whole grains over refined and high processed grains. You should be consuming approximately three to five servings of grains per day. A serving is typically two thin slices of bread, half a cup of oatmeal or pasta.
When you follow these six simple rules you will not great changes in your health, skin, body fat ratio, and energy levels.
About the Author
How To Lose Unwanted Stomach Fat and Get Six Pack Abs: Abs IQ is a revolutionary fitness and nutrition program developed by Bogumil Gizewski, a renowned master trainer. To learn more about the Abs IQ program please visit Bogumil Gizewski can be contacted through his official website which is
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