Six Wonderful Reasons To Make Love Now

It’s normal that after spending years as a couple, your sex life becomes a little stale. The urge to do it with your lover has reached its plateau. Sex has become a part of the chores. Those sizzling, sweltering, tantric, sex has somehow become the thing of the past.
Although there is no question about how you feel about each other, in fact, your feeling has even become more deep and secured, but somehow the sexual spark has died, and the burning flame of passion burned down. You love each other so much, but most of the time, you just want to read a book or watch the TV or have go to sleep, rather than have sexual intercourse to your partner.
Maybe all you need is a sexual catalyst or just a little reminder how great and beneficial sex if for your relationship and well-being.
Here are wonderful reasons to make love to your partner, when you feel like using the, “I have a headache” excuse.
* You promised to. Even though you didn’t really specifically said, “to love, to honour and to make love three times a week,” but when you promised to love, and to hold, for richer and for poorer, it goes without saying that sex would be a part of that promise. I hate to say it ladies, but yes, it is your obligation.
* When you do it, it lessens the stress and eases the pain. Orgasm triggers oxytocin and endorphins which has an amnesic and anaesthetic effects that can last for as long as five hours. So in that period of five hours, you’ll forget about your pains, your worries, and your anxieties. So stop with your, “I have your headache” excuse, cause sexual intercourse actually relieves your headache.
* When you make love, it will put you in a good light. Every time you have sex and makes it as pleasant as possible. Your partner’ brain will relate you into something that is wonderful and pleasant. This is the main reason why couples who never ceases to have wonderful sex still find their partner irresistibly adorable. So, if you want to be irresistible to your honey bunch, think twice before you refuse to have sexual intercourse to him.
* When you make love, it fires up the passion. It’s the passion that keeps your relationship special and intimate, it’s what separates you from being his best friend or confidant. It’s not that there is something wrong as being his best bud, but it’s nice to his all around girl. It makes your man loyal and faithful, because all he was looking for in a woman are all rolled into one in you.
* When you make love, it makes you lose weight. Have you been dying to get rid of that love handles? Or wanting to fit into that skinny jeans of yours? Then double time with sexual action, because you can lose a minimum of two hundred calories.
* When you make love, it makes your heart healthier. That’s literally and figuratively speaking. But literally speaking, women who have sex more often have higher levels of estrogen that protect the heart against disease.
I can tell you a hundred more reasons to have sex tonight, but this is it for now. I hope these are enough reasons to jazz up your sex life.
About The Author
The author of this article, Ruth Purple, is a successful Relationship Coach who has been helping and coaching individuals and couples for many years. Get your copy of Ruth’s ebook and learn how you can seduce any man that you fancy with so much ease and subtlety.