Stairway To Weight Loss Heaven

How many times have you bypassed the stairs for the elevator? Little did you know, you’ve had one of the most effective workout regimens right at your feet. Scour most gyms and you’ll find a few stairstepper machines — and there’s a reason for that. Climbing the stairs is great exercise for improving cardio health and building muscles. Stairclimbing targets the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves and is a low impact on feet and knees. A study conducted in England and Northern Ireland found that sedentary women who took the stairs up to six times a day increased their fitness level, lowered their cholesterol and decreased their risk of cardiovascular disease over a two-month period. An additional study found that men who climbed at least 100 steps a day cut back their risk of death by 20 percent. Some experts believe that stair climbing is more of a challenge than walking and lifting weights. You also burn more calories in the same amount of time you do other exercises. You can achieve in 15 minutes stair climbing what you would in 30 minutes of running. Because it’s a weight-bearing exercise you’ll also strengthen your bones. A 150-pound individual will burn about 408 calories climbing stairs. But it’s important to maintain the proper form. The next and shoulders should be relaxed. Look forward while climbing and avoid looking down. The entire food should be placed on the step. Lean forward slightly from the hips while keeping the back straight. Don’t lock knees while you climb.