Time management is a big problem for most people to deal with. People have become so busy in their daily lives that they don’t realize how important it is to effectively manage their time. There are some things in our lives that get put on the backburner when they should be included in our schedules. A lot of stress that we deal with comes from not properly managing our time.
Ideally, you have a plan of action that addresses both of these aspects. First, a way, or several ways that can be used in combination or by themselves, of cutting down on the stress and our body’s stress response. Essentially, you’ll need a way to chill under fire.
Second, once you find that your mind is working better again, it’s time to address the cause… Some people may think of in-the-moment fixes as Band-Aids and scoff at them since they’re not addressing the “real” issue. I find, though, that you really need the short-term fixes or else you’ll may never get to actually dealing the cause.
Here’s a few things you can do:
Put a dot of liquid paper or a very tiny piece of sticker on your wristwatch or clock. Each time you notice the dot every couple of minutes, go ahead and take a very deep breath, and do this by bringing the air all the way down into your belly. It’s called diagrammatic breathing. Breathe in slowly and when you exhale. Imagine all the tension out of leave out your body. Breathe in and whew, breathe out.
Another idea is to sit in a quiet room for 10-15 of silence. Meditation is really means to center you and being in the moment. It’ll make you feel fantastic after you leave the outside noises during that short time in quiet space.
Do-It-Yourself massage session. Another amazing way to relief some tension is place a tennis ball and place between your shoulder blades. While you have pressure back by being against the wall, go ahead and add movement to that ball by bending your knees and moving your body up and down.
If you would like something to get your heart beat going and improve your overall tone and health, along with giving you stress relief, water aerobics is another great choice. Unlike traditional aerobic classes, being in the water lessens the impact of the movements on your joints, legs, and spine. Being in the water makes your motions effortless, yet the resistance of the water provides a better, stronger work out. The calming sensation of being in the water offers great stress relief and gives you a wonderful work out for your muscles, weight loss, and cardio building along with the stress relief.
Whichever routine you choose, or perhaps some combination of the three, you will find great stress relief from starting a regular routine and the stress relief will only enhance the other great health benefits you will obtain.
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Article Source: ArticlesBase.com – Stress Relief Tips and Exercises