Acne Treatment Product Review

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Regimen. Most acne treatments consist of more than some cream in a tube; they offer a set of skin care products that work in harmony to help clear your skin. At the least, an acne regimen should include a spot treatment crème or gel, a face wash, and some type of exfoliating product. You don't always need a kit. If you get only an occasional, isolated pimple or two, a spot treatment will be fine.

Cost. While you might be willing to cut deep into your budget to get rid of your acne, you don't want to get taken for a ride. The trendy acne treatment of the moment may have the same ingredients and effectiveness as a less expensive product.

Skin type. Acne is usually associated with oily skin, but all skin types can be affected, and some companies make separate products for each skin type. If your skin is sensitive, you'll want to look for milder products.

Ingredients. Most acne products use salicylic acid as their main ingredient, but they can contain other compounds to calm and balance skin. If using more natural skin products is important to you, you should look for treatments that incorporate natural elements.