Sweet Things You and Your Mate Can Do for Each Other

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of daily life, we can forget to reach out to those closest to us to let them know how special they are. When you give out a little love, you’re sure to get some in return, so why not let your mate know how much you appreciate him or her? You don’t have to make a grandiose gesture to make a big impression, so consider these ideas. Start in the bedroom – and no, your act of love doesn’t have to involve sex, unless you want it to! Try a 5-10 minute backrub if your mate has been tense lately. Add some nice massage oil if you want to get fancy, and if it leads to more loving, so be it! Priming your environment for love is crucial, so a nice thing to do for your spouse might be to declutter the bedroom, particularly if he or she is a major neatnik. Moving on to the kitchen, there are plenty of goodies you could make to brighten your partner’s day – pick a favorite and surprise him or her with it. Or plan a whole day of treats by starting with making coffee just how he or she likes it, packing a tasty lunch, and making a homecooked, delicious dinner.If you’re the one who enjoys the spoils of cooking without ever cleaning up, then you may find a super-appreciative spouse after you do the dishes and get things cleaned up. Taking on your partner’s least-favorite household chore is sure to score major points, whether it’s dishes, cleaning bathrooms or laundry. If you have kids, then take them off your partner’s hands for a few hours. A break could be what he or she needs to rejuvenate. Finally, when you’re not together, a sweet voice mail or sexy text can serve to let your mate know you’re thinking about him or her. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, as they say. So consider the little things in your relationship – they’ll make a big difference in the long run.