Tea for Two: A Party to Remember

We’re going to help you get every little girl’s favorite pastime down to a tea. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we often forget it’s the little things that mean so much to our children. Count tea parties among those memories that last a lifetime. While some moms like to go all out when planning a tea party for their little girls, it doesn’t take much to make the occasion special — and tea parties can be thrown together in a matter of minutes. All you really need is a little imagination. And a tea set doesn’t hurt either. Visit any toy store, and you’ll see plenty of tea sets readily available. Many parents prefer plastic to china. If you want something a little fancier, check out garage sales, eBay and antique shops for an inexpensive secondhand set. You can always utilize paper cups and plates. Simply place your settings on some paper doilies, and your child will be thrilled with your set up. Before you start your party, wash cups, saucers and tea pots thoroughly. If you have a tray, place everything for your tea party on the tray before it begins. Of course, what’s a tea party without tea? Pick up a box of decaffeinated tea bags.
While boiling your water, heat 1 cup of skim milk with two teaspoons of vanilla extract. In each cup, place a tea bag. Pour water over the bag and then add some of the milk mixture. Serve your tea with cookies, cake or some other simple snack. Most girls prefer to host their tea parties at a small table. Encourage your child to place dolls or stuffed animals in the extra chairs as additional guests. You may even teach her a rousing version of “I’m A Little Teapot.” After polishing off your tea and cookies, prepare your child for storytime. Beatrix Potter books are great for any tea party, although pretty much any book will do the trick. There really is no right or wrong way to host a tea party. So long as you are making it a special time with your little one, it’s sure to be a swimming success.