Tears After Lovemaking? What It Means

You and your partner have just undergone a major nookie session. It was good for everyone, and after you both reach orgasm, there’s nothing you want to do more than cry, right? It sounds completely bizarre, but many people find themselves in tears after having sex. And guess what? It’s totally normal and not all that bizarre when you look at the rationale behind it. The reasons for letting loose the waterworks may not even be emotional – they could be chemical. When an orgasm happens, it releases a flood of oxytocin, a hormone that can make you emotional, particularly if you’re a woman. If you find that you’re overly sensitive and cry at the drop of a hat outside the bedroom, then you may be more likely to cry after orgasm. Oxytocin is also behind the urge to cuddle and feel close to your partner after sex.
It gives many a sense of calm and relaxation. Not surprisingly, it’s the same hormone women release after giving birth that helps a mother bond with her baby, and it aids in wound healing and pain relief. It may be tempting to suppress the urge to cry, but the release of oxytocin through sexual stimulation is a great stress reliever, so just let it go. For a male partner, it may seem uncomfortable and weird to see his partner cry, but it’s simply a different reaction to orgasm. For men, the hormone released is testosterone, which may create the same feelings as oxytocin. Either way, if the tears after sex can’t be traced to a specific feeling, then it’s probably due to a rush of hormones. If you find yourself crying for more emotional reasons, then talk it out with your partner.