The Best Beauty Timesavers

Whether you’re stuck with wet nails, need to clean up an eye shadow “oops” or mess up your spray tan, there are lots of ways to fix the beauty boo-boo quickly and get on your way. When it comes to your fingertips, sitting around waiting for your polish to dry can put your schedule on ice. So put your nails on ice to hasten the drying process. Fill a large bowl with ice water and carefully dunk hands after allowing nails to air dry for two minutes. Submerge hands for three minutes, then allow to air dry. To repair a split nail that hasn’t broken completely off, grab some nail glue (or krazy glue in a pinch), manicure scissors and a teabag or divide a tissue into layers. Tear off a small piece of the bag or tissue – enough to cover the split – and apply a drop of nail glue to the paper. Lay over the split and allow to dry. File over to make it smooth and paint nails as usual. As you apply your makeup, mistakes can happen. But after layering concealer, foundation and powder, it’s frustrating to have to start all over again if you smear eye makeup.
So keep some eye makeup remover or baby oil on hand along with q-tips to take care of smudges. Dip the q-tip in the bottle and simply correct the spots where you blinked while applying mascara, did a too-smoky eye or colored outside the lines with your brow pencil. All you have to do is pat a little powder on the spot where you made the fix. And speaking of eyes, nothing is worse than the bright-red telltale streaks of irritation left behind after getting your eyebrows waxed. If you must make an appointment in the middle of the day to get it done, then carry along a tiny tube of 1 percent hydrocortisone and apply to red spots to reduce inflammation. When your spray tan streaks, don’t despair. Grab some cotton balls and a lemon. Soak the cotton balls in 100 percent lemon juice and go over the streaks to make them appear less noticeable. The citric acid in the lemon will act as a natural skin lightener. Baking soda will slough off those freshly dyed skin cells as well.