The Best Blonde for You

Thinking about going over to the light side? There are a few things you should know about dyeing your hair blonde before you make an appointment or grab a bottle of color. First, take your own natural haircolor into account before choosing to go blonde. People who have very dark hair should only have a professional dye their hair. If you’re more of a do-it-yourselfer, then you shouldn’t go any more than two shades lighter than your natural color. The safest bet is to try a semi-permanent shade that will wash out in a month or so…just in case. Don’t bet that the shade on the box will match your new shade perfectly – the color on the box is simply a guide. Check the swatches that many stores have for a more accurate result. Read the descriptions for colors – golden and ash indicate warm and cool tones, respectively. Know which category you fall into and choose accordingly. People who are “warm” tend to have olive, tan or dark skin and brown or dark eyes.
“Warms” tend to tan well and have a golden or yellow undertone to their skin. “Cool” indicates that you may have fair skin with lighter-colored eyes and hair. The undertones in your skin is usually bluish or pink, and you may burn easily. Either way, if you were blonde as a child, then you can probably go blonde again. “Cools” should skew toward the colors described as ash or platinum. “Warms” look best in blondes that have honey and caramel undertones, and their darker hair will look great with highlights and lowlights – think contrast. If you are dead-set on going super blonde, then make an appointment with a colorist who knows blonde. Go for a consultation first to get an idea of how she might color your hair and special considerations you need to take. For example, be prepared to shell out for touchups often – the darker your hair, the more noticeable roots will be. Upkeep involves touchups every four to 12 weeks, depending on your rate of growth and color. Be prepared to take better care of blonde hair – the bleaching process can do some damage that only specialized shampoos and conditioners can fix. And if you’re thinking blonde is for you, then get ready for the jokes!