The Best Ways to Get Free Samples

Who says nothing in life is free? If you’re a woman, you realize the value of samples when it comes to cosmetics, beauty products, perfume and other freebies. In addition to the fact that you’re getting goods for free, another perk is that you can also use these sample size (shampoos, toothpaste, perfumes, lotions, etc.) when traveling. Samples or testers give you the opportunity to do a “taste test” without having to pay full price. When you purchase beauty products at the local department store, always ask the store employee if there are any samples she can give you to keep in mind for future purchases. With retailers such as Sephora, consumers can select three free samples of their choice with every order. From tan towels to perfecting cover foundation, the possibilities are endless. Another option when shopping is to purchase items that come with a free gift. In many cases, you can end up with a new lipstick, bottle of body lotion or an attractive cosmetics case.
When flipping through your favorite beauty mags, newspapers and other publications, keep an eye out for free samples. Many big brands offerpromotions for consumers that are there for the taking. Hit up popular beauty boutiques in the area. These stores often give away samples to promote their products. A simple Google search can also yield big results. If you have a particular product or brand in mind, search for freesamples of that product. But buyer beware, make sure you aren’t going to be charged for shipping and handling. Also, avoid any offer where you are required to provide your credit card number. You may find monthly charges on your card down the line. Look around and you’ll also find websites who do the dirty work for you. Sites such as Freebies 4 Mom, and are all great places to start your freebie find.