The Cabbage Soup Diet

The Cabbage Soup Recipe can be prepared like so:
6 large green onion2 green peppers1 or 2 cans of tomatoes (diced or whole)3 carrots1 10 oz. container of mushrooms1 bunch of celeryhalf a head of cabbage 1 package Lipton soup mix 1 or 2 cubes of bouillon (optional)1 48 ounces can V8 juice (optional)Season to taste with salt, pepper, parsley, curry, garlic powder
Slice green onions, place in a pot and start to saute with cooking spray. Cut pepper stem end off and cut in half, take the seeds and membrane out. Cut green-pepper into small bite size pieces and add to pot. Take the outer leaves layers off the cabbage, cut into bite size pieces, add to pot. Clean carrots, cut into bite size pieces, and add to pot. Slice mushrooms into thick slices, add to pot. If you prefer a spicy soup, add a small amount of curry or cayenne pepper now.
Use about 12 cups of water (or 8 cups and the V8 juice), cover and put head on low. Let soup cook for a long time — two hours works well. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Supposedly, the cabbage soup has fat-burning properties that boost weight loss. It does not hurt that you are also lowering your amount of calories to a dangerous level. Some of the reported side effects of following this diet are light-headedness, weakness and decreased concentration. These feelings can be attributed to the fact that you are virtually starving your body.
Although there are several variations of the diet, the seven-day plan pretty much follows these guidelines. Day One: Eat all the soup and fruit (except bananas) that you like. Only drink water, unsweetened tea and cranberry juice. Day Two: Eat as much vegetables, excluding dry beans, peas and corn, along with your soup as you would like. For dinner, enjoy a big baked potato with butter. No fruit.
Day Three: Eat all the fruit and vegetables you’d like along with your soup. No baked potato. Day Four: Eat up to eight bananas and drink as much skim milk as you’d like. Also, consume your soup. Day Five: Have between 10 and 20 ounces of beef or skinless chicken and up to six tomatoes. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water. Eat your soup at least once. Day Seven: Limit yourself to brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices and vegetables. Eat your soup at least once. Because this diet plan is so low in calories, it can be hazardous to your health. And it’s certainly not going to win any awards for flavor or variety.